About Festival

International Cosmopolitan Festvial of Tokyo
Created to encourage content creators from unique backgrounds to share their stories, International Cosmopolitan Film Festival of Tokyo will promote the work of diverse (thought, race, gender, age, religion, physical ability and sexual orientation) Jlmmakers and recognize them for their achievements in Jlm. On the other hand, coronavirus and the challenges and devastating changes it has caused made it clear that the future of art might be in the hands of animations and computer generated services. In the past few months, many art projects have been either cancelled or halted and postponed but animation and digital companies were able to keep going despite the Coronavirus pandemic, and they have managed to survive through their use of CGI technologies instead of using traditional methods. The festival was founded with the goal of becoming a place to introduce the best of recent national and international animated art projects. The festival is framed by a range of different activities surrounding the art and industry of animation.
International Cosmopolitan Festvial of Tokyo
About us
International Cosmopolitan Film Festival of Tokyo is an online-based Festival devoted to introducing the latest Jlm (both short and feature ) & animation art projects from diverse backgrounds. In harmony with the current emphasis on diversity, the festival welcomes art projects from all around the world in any genre and style.
Write us: info@animationfilmsfestival.com